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Olives with Conservas BayMar appetiser sauce

Olives with Conservas BayMar appetiser sauce

Give a different touch to your olives with Conservas BayMar appetizer sauce!


  • A tin of green anchovy-filled olives and or black olives from Conservas BayMar
  • Baymar appetiser Sauce


  1. We select the type of olives we wish to enjoy in our appetiser: green, anchovy-filled manzanilla olives, or black olives, either pitted or not.
  2. We choose a sufficiently deep recipient and we put in it the olives we choose.
  3. Once they’re in the bowl, we pour BayMar appetiser sauce on top of them in order to give them a different feeling and surprise the palate with a new combination of flavours.
  4. ¡Let’s enjoy this simple and original way of eating olives!


  • Serves: 2 people
  • Type of recipe: appetiser
  • Difficulty: easy
  • Total time of preparation: 5 minutes

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