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Arugula and asparagus salad

Arugula and asparagus salad



  • 1/2 can of Conservas BayMar white asparagus
  • Green asparagus, optional
  • Arugula
  • Serrano ham
  • Parmesan cheese
  • Pesto


  1. First, we take two handfuls of arugula leaves, for each serving, and wash them.
  2. We place them on a plate. And on them we incorporate slices of Iberian ham.
  3. Pour grated parmesan cheese all over it.
  4. On the other hand, we remove the 1/2 of the white asparagus and chop them.
  5. Once chopped, we place them next to the arugula leaves.
  6. Optional: we can combine white asparagus with green asparagus.
  7. Finally, we season with a few drops of pesto.
  8. All ready to enjoy this simple and quick to make dish.


  • Serves: 1 person
  • Type of recipe: starter
  • Difficulty: easy
  • Total time of preparation: 10 minutes